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Power yoga weight loss exercises - energy yoga weight loss efforts

19-12-2016 à 12:36:08
Power yoga weight loss exercises
Pregnant women and people who have undergone recent abdominal surgery must not do this pose. Bend your legs from your knees and lift up your legs from behind. Stay in this position for about 20 seconds, and get back to the initial position as you exhale. After you have attained the final position, dip your right shoulder towards the floor, tug your left foot to the right, and roll over to your right side. Benefits Tones the abdominal organs and improves digestion Strengthens the arms, legs and spine Calms the brain and relieves stress Caution People with problems related to neck, heart, and blood pressure must not perform this pose. Stay in this position for about 20 seconds. Follow the simple and easy steps mentioned below and get started with an all new power yoga fitness regime. Here, you lie on your back, exhale, bend your knees, and bring them to your torso. Maintain the position for about one minute, after which you can return to the initial position. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, and then return to the initial position. StyleCraze offers you information on the unique and best power yoga poses which you can easily practice at home. As you exhale, bend your knees, and lift your feet off the floor. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Simply lie on the floor with your belly touching the ground. Benefits Stimulates the abdominal organs, thereby increasing their efficiency and improving digestion Relieves constipation Helps reduce fat in the abdominal area Caution Individuals who have had an abdominal surgery must refrain from performing this pose. Take your hands back and clasp your ankles. Vakrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Sit down comfortably in a cross-legged position. 2. Simply lie on your belly and press your forearms against the floor. Place your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, with the fingers pointing towards your feet. Shirshasana (Headstand) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Ensure you use a folded blanket to pad your head and forearms. As you inhale, extend your heels towards the ceiling. Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Lie on your belly with your arms rested beside your body. Supporting yourself on the left forearm, bring your right arm back, and clasp the toes of your right foot. Relax. Place the crown of your head on the floor. Lift through your top thighs, firm your shoulder blades, and lift your feet away from the floor. Cobra Pose: This pose is a great workout for firming the buttocks and toning the abs. Repeat the same with left leg too. Rest your hands beside your torso, palms facing up. Variations One variation is keeping your left leg straight instead of wrapping it around your body. Raise your arms such that they are parallel to the floor, and stretch them through your fingertips. Stretch your feet such that the tops of your feet touch the ground. Lift through your breastbone and lean back slightly. Variations One variation is lifting your right knee to your torso upon exhalation, and then inhaling and extending the leg perpendicular to the floor. Lift your upper body up, chest off the floor. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Gently inhale, and slowly lift your back off the floor. Variations Ardha navasana (half boat pose) is one variation that can be done. Firm your outer arms inward and soften your fingers. Lift your hands in the upward direction and stretch them upwards. Bend towards your right side, thus stretching the right hand towards the right side from over your head. As you exhale, extend your torso over your right leg, bending from the hip joint. Firm your legs and heels, and ensure your big toes are turned towards each other. Release. Your palms must be facing up and your forehead must rest on the floor. Lacing your fingers together, place your forearms on the floor (ensure they are shoulder-width apart). Now exhale, and turn towards the inner side of your right thigh. Lie on the blankets with your shoulders supported and your head placed on the floor. Variations To make the pose a little more comfortable, you can move the bent leg a little further away from the body. Roll in your shoulders and touch the chest with your chin, without bringing your chin down. Remain steady for some time and then release. Firm your tail bone as the legs rise to become perpendicular to the floor. Repeat. As a beginner, you can try holding this pose for about 10 seconds. The exercises we want to do are tough, the results take time, and this bogs us down. Variations You can perform ardha bhekasana (half frog pose) as a variation. Try to maintain the position for about 20 seconds. You can turn your head towards your left hand. Power yoga is considered to be one of the best natural ways of losing weight. Hold the position for a minute, and return to the initial position. Benefits Strengthens the abdomen and hip flexors Stimulates the kidneys and intestines Relieves stress and improves digestion Precautions Individuals suffering from asthma, diarrhea, headaches, heart ailments, and low blood pressure must not perform this pose. Slide your left foot under your right leg. You must support the weight of your body with your shoulders, arms, and feet. Benefits The abdominal organs are stimulated, thereby improving the digestive health Lowers heart beat rate, and relives physical and mental exhaustion Caution Individuals with severe back problems must refrain from performing this pose. Bend your elbows, and place your palms below your shoulders and close to the body. Benefits Stretches and strengthens the shoulders, chest, and belly Stimulates the abdominal organs Relieves stress and improves posture Caution Anybody with headache or serious back injury must refrain from performing this pose. Maintain this position for about 20 seconds before you return to the initial position as you exhale. You can perform the rest of the pose as discussed above. As you exhale, lift your head, upper torso, arms, and legs away from the floor. With so many fitness centers coming up across the city, power yoga has been lately gaining popularity. Repeat with the other leg on the other side. Fold your knees and keep your feet hip distance apart. Clasp the legs with both your hands, and try pressing them against your stomach. Benefits Helps reduce fat in the abdominal region Strengthens the spine Caution People with serious spinal complaints must avoid performing this pose. Ensure your heels touch your hips, and you are holding your feet by their toes. Place your right hand on the shin or the floor outside the right foot. Anyone suffering from hernia or piles must also stay away from performing this pose. But in the beginning, you can practice rolling to the sides without holding your ankles. Now turn only your lower body towards the right, extending your right leg and bending your left leg at the knee. In order to do this, you might have to lift your head a little.

Turn your left foot slightly towards the right side, and your right foot out by 90 degrees. Ensure you take both your feet up at the same time. Individuals with back injury and headache must not do this exercise. Place your right foot over your left leg. If yes, then you must definitely try practicing power yoga for weight loss at home. Lift your right leg in upward direction at an angle of 90 degree. Ensure the outer part of your left leg is on the floor. It is medically safe and has no side effects. Now, exhale, and keeping your feet above your head, swing them towards the floor. Stay in this pose for about 10 seconds, after which you inhale and swap the positions of your legs. As you inhale, lift your chest, and squeeze your shoulders towards each other. 4. Ensure both your feet touch the floor at the same time. As you inhale, keeping your front torso long, bend forward from the hip joints. Here, you lift your left leg and move it perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for a couple of minutes, and then come back to the initial position as you exhale. Continue doing this till you have raised your upper body (till your navel) into a curve. Take your hands back and try to grab your feet as you bend your knees upwards. Stretch your elbows out to the sides, and ensure the tips of your big toes are in line with your eyes. In this pose, instead of stretching your legs straight backwards, you fold them such that both your soles touch each other. Bending your knees, place your feet on the floor. Variations Makarasana (crocodile or sea monster pose) is one variation. Using dumbbells while performing power yoga helps you burn more calories. Pressing your right hand against the area behind your right buttock, place your right upper arm over your right thigh. Try to place your palms under the soles of your feet. In case you have a neck injury, perform this pose with your back near a wall. But, what if you can get slimmer a little faster and easily. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Stack a couple of thick blankets over one another. Hold this position for about a minute and gradually return to the initial position. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Sit on the floor with your legs straight before you. Variations There are two variations for this pose. Initially, it might be difficult for you to perform this variation. Pregnant and menstruating women must refrain from performing this pose. Now, bend your right knee, and bring its heel to the buttock on the same side. Variations Instead of stretching the top arm towards the ceiling, you can stretch it over your top ear and parallel to the floor. Wind-Releasing Pose: This is a great power yoga pose for losing excess weight from the abdominal region and stomach. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and return to the initial position. Benefits Stretches the abdomen and the chest Improves posture Stimulates the abdominal organs Caution Avoid the pose if you suffer from any injury to the neck, back, or shoulders. Inhaling slowly, straighten your arms and raise your chest. Keep your weight evenly balanced on both the forearms. They must be parallel to each other and to the floor. One can even practice this pose with both the legs at the same time. Go ahead and check out the ultimate yoga poses for weight loss. Variations Instead of placing your palms beneath your soles, you can try to hold the rear part of your ankles. After you have attained the final pose of navasana, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Move your feet closer to your elbows with your heels elevated. Your thighs must make an angle of 45 degrees with the floor. Arch your back and try to hold your legs with your hands. Keeping your left arm down, a little away from your body, bend your right hand and place it on the outer side of your left thigh. How To Do: Stand on the floor in straight pose, hands besides the body, palms down. Bhekasana (Frog Pose) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Lie down flat on your belly. Press your shoulder blades against your back and open your chest. Hold it with your hands and press it. Maintain this pose for about 30 seconds, after which you can come back to the initial position by inhaling. How To Do: Lie down on the floor on your back. Inhale and lift your heels away from your buttocks, while you simultaneously lift your thighs away from the floor. We take a firm decision to exercise, which only withers as days pass by. As you exhale, bend from your hips, and touch your feet with your palms. As you inhale, lift your knees off the floor. Come back to the initial position as you exhale. How To Do: Lie down on the floor on your belly, palms placed on the floor besides your chest. How To Do: Lie down on the floor on your stomach. Both your thighs must be parallel to each other and to the floor. Let it stand on the area outside your left hip. Fold your right leg from your knee and place it on your stomach. You can stretch till you are able to hold your feet with your hands. After you reach the final position of shalabhasana, clasp your fingers, and press the palms against the back of your head. Ensure your knees and ankles are in a straight line. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Image: Shutterstock How To Do It Stand straight, with your feet hip-width apart. You can then return to the initial position as you exhale. Move your right leg parallel to the floor. Keep your arms beside the body with your palms facing down. Sulabh Pawanmuktasana, wherein you keep your head on the ground instead of lifting it, and Ardha Pawanmuktasana, wherein you bend only one of your legs instead of both. Side Stretch Pose: This asana increases your heart rate, burns calories and helps in reducing fat from your sides. Exhale and bend your knees such that your heels are close to your buttocks. Well, yes, you need to put in a little effort, but you will enjoy the process too. Benefits Stimulates the abdominal organs Relieves stress Stretches the chest and abdomen According to traditional texts, this pose increases body heat and destroys ailments Caution Individuals suffering from back injury, headache, or carpal tunnel syndrome must refrain from practicing this pose. Pregnant women must refrain from performing this pose.

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